Unfortunately, this game is unfinished. However, we invite you to float around in space and enjoy the space hermit crab simulation uploaded. It might freeze for a few seconds upon first load. Content warning: firearms.

Hopefully, we return to this project in the near-future. Created for GMTK 2024: Built to Scale.

C. R. A. B. (Carapace Requisition & Acquisition Board) empowers you to experience the age-old tale of the underdog rising in the ranks. Soon to outgrow their shell (space junk can), play as the Procrabonist to fight their way to a bigger and better home. Oust out hermit crabs from their homes, and who knows? Maybe you'll make it big in a meaningful way.

Strategically manage your energy to make either your movement, melee, or ranged attacks stronger and be careful about how you take down your enemy; after all, their home is your home when you're done with them.

How To Play (Basic Controls)

Use the A and D keys to control the left and right legs of the Procrabonist. Hold both keys at the same time to propel yourself forwards.

Asset Attributions:

Grey Rock by Life of Pix from Pexels

Crab on rock photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash 

Gun by Arnav Singhal on Unsplash 

A Bullet on a Wooden Surface by Karolina Kaboompics

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